Audienzgemach der Paraderäume
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: HC KRASS
Please note that from 20 January to 14 February 2025, the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe and from 3 February to 14 February 2025 the Royal Palace including its museums (Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Münzkabinett, Rüstkammer) will remain closed.

The Royal State Apartments of August the Strong and the Porcelain Cabinet at the Residenzschloss Dresden

The celebrations surrounding the marriage of Electoral Prince Friedrich August II to Maria Josepha, daughter of the Austrian Em­peror, in Dresden in September 1719 occasioned the construction of the royal State Apartments. The opening of the faithfully reconstructed State Apartments 300 years after their original creation marks the glorious climax of 33 years of reconstruction work on Dresden’s former electoral and royal palace, the Residenzschloss.

  • Opening Hours daily 10—17, Dienstag closed
    03/02/2025 — 14/03/2025  closed
  • Admission Fees normal 16 €, reduced 12 €, under 17 free, Groups (10 persons and more) 14,50 €
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Die Eröffnung der Königlichen Paraderäume und des Porzellankabinetts im Residenzschloss Dresden

[Translate to English:] Paradeappartements

The luxurious suite of rooms in­cluded a banqueting hall, two antechambers, the Audience Cham­ber with the throne, and the State Bedroom containing the mag­nificent imperial bed. Thanks to a great deal of hard work, expense and professional expertise, as well as supreme craftsmanship, it has been possible to recreate a structural work of art that provides an authentic experience of the palace’s magnificent 18th-century interior.

Paradeschlafzimmer der Paraderäume
Paradeschlafzimmer der Paraderäume

[Translate to English:] Paradeappartments

The preserved originals from the Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts), such as the gilt silver furnishings from Augsburg, numerous paintings from the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters Picture Gallery), valuable mirror frames and the gold pilasters from the Audience Chamber, which were already exceptionally precious at the time of their creation, testify to the original appearance of the rooms and still today cannot fail to impress.

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Die Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden und ihre Geschichte

[Translate to English:] Es ist sogar möglich, August dem Starken

It is even possible to meet August the Strong in person! After passing his throne, you arrive at the “royal statua”, the coronation figure of August the Strong dressed in the Roman-style coronation regalia, wearing the insignia from the Dresden Rüstkammer (Ar­moury) and fitted with a life mask taken from the former ruler. The state robes of August the Strong, which have been preserved in the Rüstkammer, are a world-renowned treasure-store of Baroque textile art and bear amazing testimony to the dynastic and political events of his reign.

Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
© SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden

[Translate to English:] Der berühmten Leidenschaft

The famous passion of August the Strong for ‘white gold’, i.e. porcelain, is reflected in the reconstructed Porcelain Cabinet in the Tower Room. Set up by his son August III, it served for more than 200 years as a prominent showroom for Meissen porcelain, for which Saxony was much envied.

Unique and important works of the Meissen Manufactory – the vases representing the elements, created by the court sculptor and model master Johann Joachim Kaendler – have finally returned to the palace after having slum­bered for 75 years in the storeroom of the Porzellansammlung.

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Die Elementvasen im Porzellankabinett im Turmzimmer des Residenzschlosses Dresden
Exhibition of the Kunstgewerbemuseum at the Royal State Apartements at Residenzschloss Dresden

Fait à Paris. Furniture Creations by Jean-Pierre Latz at the Dresden Court

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Jean-Pierre Latz, Pendule, 1739

The Rooms

Room 1

Masterpieces from the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory

The ‘Elements vases’ were originally commissioned by August III as a highly ambitious diplomatic gift for Louis XV, King of France. Then as now, these innovative vases with the character of sculp­tures, which were created by the Dresden court sculptor and chef modeller Johann Joachim Kaendler, are among the most outstand­ing masterpieces from the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory.

Porzellankabinett im Turmzimmer
© SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Porzellankabinett im Turmzimmer
Room 3

Magnificent costumes

The collection of royal costumes from the Wardrobe of August the Strong (1670-1733), part of the Dresden Rüstkammer, marks the culmination of the Baroque style in royal garments, of which King Louis XIV of France was the epitome. Nowhere has such a complete collection of costumes from this era been preserved in such outstanding quality as in Dresden.

Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
© SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
Room 4

Precious furnishings

This ensemble consisting of a pendu­lum clock and high pedestal was made by the eminent Parisian cabinetmaker Jean-Pierre Latz (1691-1754). These items are masterpieces of Parisian ornamental carpentry from the period around 1740. Objects of this kind are regarded as some of the most prestigious furnishings of the first half of the 18th century.

Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
© SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
Room 5

Works of the goldsmith’s art

The Dresden fireplace screen, a work of supreme craftsmanship made of embossed silver plate, was made by the famous Augsburg goldsmiths Albrecht and Lorenz II Biller and is one of the most outstand­ing objects in the State Apartments. Only a few silver fireplace screens from this period have survived.

Audienzgemach der Paraderäume
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: HC KRASS
Audienzgemach der Paraderäume
Room 7

Insignia of power

The Polish-Lithuanian kingdom of August II and August III is represented by insignia and other objects from the two coronations. In addition to the electoral hat, guard weapons, coats of arms and heralds’ staffs, the original components of the coronation regalia worn by August the Strong (1697) as well as the crown flags and coronation swords of Poland and Lithuania used in the coronation of August III (1734) are presented.

Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden
© SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Paraderäume im Residenzschloss Dresden

[Translate to English:] KGM

Porcelain Cabinet in the Turmzimmer

For a good two centuries the Turmzimmer in the piano nobile of Dresden’s Residenzschloss was a prominent room used for displaying the electoral and royal porcelain.

[Translate to English:] In den 1730er Jahren

Alongside vases from China and Japan, August III exhibited, in particular, the best products of his unique and much-envied Meissen Manufactory, presenting them on gilt consoles set against red painted walls. With only minor changes, the Baroque Porcelain Cabinet remained intact until the destruction of the Palace in 1945, and it is now being reconstructed.

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Das Porzellankabinett im Turmzimmer des Residenzschlosses Dresden

[Translate to English:] Filme Porzellankabinett

[Translate to English:] Mit kleineren Veränderungen

Among the outstanding masterpieces of the Meissen Manufactory that will be returning to the Palace after 75 years in the storerooms of the Porzellansammlung are the vases created by the court sculptor and modeller Johann Joachim Kändler as representations of the elements. Numerous empty wall consoles will act as reminders of the many porcelain items that were lost after being removed for safekeeping before the war.

[Translate to English:] impressionen porzellan

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[Translate to English:] Sparkasse


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Further Exhibitions

Grünes Gewölbe

in Residenzschloss


in Residenzschloss

Portrait eines Mannes mit Hut und Vollbart

Small Ballroom

in Residenzschloss

Ansicht eines Saales mit Kronleuchtern


in Schloss Pillnitz

gelber Kasten mit vier Füßen
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