© Clemens Porikys

Panoramic Tours


Explore our panoramic tour through the Albertinum

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© Clemens Porikys

Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon

Explore our panoramic tour through the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon

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Explore our panoramic tour through the Münzkabinett

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Museum für sächsische Volkskunst

Explore our panoramic tour through the Museum für sächsische Volkskunst

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Neues Grünes Gewölbe

Explore our panoramic tour through the Neues Grünes Gewölbe

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Explore our panoramic tour through the Porzellansammlung

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Explore our panoramic tour through the Riesensaal

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Türckische Cammer

Explore our panoramic tour through the Türckische Cammer

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