All power to the imagination! Czech Season in Dresden

June – December 2022 at various places in Dresden

Imagination hat viele Facetten

The imagination is multifaceted – it can create utopian dreams, change realities and be anti-authoritarian, subversive or poetic. That is something the French surrealists recognised even before the Second World War. Their last proponent, the Czech filmmaker, poet and artist Jan Švankmajer (b. 1934 in Prague) also understood that the imagination is what defines people. His motto, “All power to the imagination!”, captures the fantasy and lyricism found in the poetics of contemporary Czech artists, rooted in the avant-garde art tradition of the interwar period.


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Alle Macht der Imagination! Tschechische Saison in Dresden | Juni – Dezember 2022


Working with partner institutions in Germany and the Czech Republic, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden presents contemporary artists from various disciplines who follow in the tradition of that era. They reflect the unique nature of these artistic practices, which are characterised by strong imagery and unbridled imagination that is unrelated to the artists’ ages and identities. From exhibitions of physical and hybrid art, theatre and film showings, concerts, readings and artistic performances to audio guides of (supposedly) well-known collections, there’s something for everyone!

© SKD, Foto: Klemens Renner
Krištof Kintera, My Light is Your Light

Mit der Tschechischen Saison

In holding the Czech Season, we are organising a festival focusing on transnational encounters in the fields of art and culture.

#1 Relocated – sculptural installations in public spaces
from 24 June 2022 at Georg-Treu-Platz, Brühl’s Terrace, etc.

#2 Summer of the Arts – theatre, readings, discussion, film and music
from 4 August 2022 at the Japanisches Palais, Georg-Treu-Platz, etc.

#3 Oasis of Imagination – German-Czech cultural chill-out
on 20 and 21 August 2022 at Georg-Treu-Platz etc.

#4 All Power to the Imagination! – contemporary art exhibition
from 11 November 2022 in the Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau etc.

Current presentations

Böhmische Spuren

Skvosty pod Zelenou klenbou v drážďanském zámku. Objevte mistrovské artefakty spjaté s Čechami

Za prvotřídní klenotnici, inscenovaný barokní Gesamtkunstwerk nebo „palác víl“ podle filozofa Arthura Schopenhauera, je považována Zelená klenba − Grünes Gewölbe v drážďanském Rezidenčním zámku. Nový dvanáctidílný cyklus Mariuse Winzelera, ředitele drážďanských sbírkek Zelená klenba a Zbrojnice, a publicisty Ivana Hartmanna se zaměří na tamní artefakty, v jejichž historii objevíme české stopy.

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